"Doki Doki" (ドキドキ), "Waku Waku" (ワクワク), "Hara Hara" (ハラハラ)

Feb 7, 2018 16:02
I introduced you to two words related to "excitement" in the last two days.

Today I'd like to talk about three kind of onomatopoeia related to "excitement."

These are ドキドキ (doki doki), ワクワク (waku waku), and ハラハラ (hara hara).

"Doki doki" represents a beat of one's heart, and it's used for meaning various types of excitement -- anxiety, expectation, and fear.

"Waku waku" comes from the verb 湧く (waku), which means to well up, and it's usually used for meaning an excitement of joy or expectation.

"Hara hara" means an excitement due to a feeling of anxiety, and it's used when you worry about something.

ヒヤ (hiya hiya) is used instead of "hara hara."







No. 1 Chris's correction
  • I introduced you to two words related to "excitement" in the last two days.
  • I have introduced you to two words related to "excitement" over the last two days.
  • Today I'd like to talk about three kind of onomatopoeia related to "excitement."
  • Today I'd like to talk about three kinds of onomatopoeia related to "excitement."
  • These are ドキドキ (doki doki), ワクワク (waku waku), and ハラハラ (hara hara).
  • They are ドキドキ (doki doki), ワクワク (waku waku), and ハラハラ (hara hara).
  • "Doki doki" represents a beat of one's heart, and it's used for meaning various types of excitement -- anxiety, expectation, and fear.
  • "Doki doki" represents the beating of one's heart, and it's used for meaning various types of excitement -- anxiety, expectation, and fear.
  • "Waku waku" comes from the verb 湧く (waku), which means to well up, and it's usually used for meaning an excitement of joy or expectation.
  • "Waku waku" comes from the verb 湧く (waku), which means to well up, and it's usually used to mean an joyful excitement or expectation.
  • "Hara hara" means an excitement due to a feeling of anxiety, and it's used when you worry about something.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • ヒヤ (hiya hiya) is used instead of "hara hara."
  • ヒヤ (hiya hiya) is (also) used instead of "hara hara."
Thank you very much for the corrections! :)
No problem! I always enjoy reading your posts :)